Explosives are one of the most useful tools available to the player in GTA 5. They can be used to take care of big groups of enemies as well as used for destruction purposes. On top of their usefulness, they’re also simply a lot of fun to mess around with.
While there are a handful of types of explosives available to the player in GTA 5 from grenades to rockets, sticky bombs are a high-tier item. Because players can stick them to something and then choose when to detonate them, they open the door for plenty of mayhem via strategic explosions. For example, sticking one to a car, then letting the car drive away, only to detonate it as it passes by some enemies is entertaining every time.
Before using sticky bombs, however, players will need to know which button inputs to press so that they’re not frantically pushing everything on their controller and missing their window of opportunity.
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How to Use Sticky Bombs

Sticky bombs are used similarly to a lot of other weapons in GTA 5, however, they require a few more inputs to actually detonate. Here’s everything you need to know about setting off sticky bombs.
- First open your inventory and equip the bombs.
- They can be placed on just about anything by pressing R2 on PlayStation, the right trigger on Xbox, and clicking the left mouse button on PC.
Bombs can also be thrown, but for the best results, placing them preemptively before a fight occurs will yield the best results. - Run to cover away from the bomb. If this is your first time using one, travel a decent ways away from the explosive and make sure to take note of how big the blast radius is for future reference once detonated.
- Once you’re ready for the bomb to go off, tap left on the D-pad on both PlayStation and Xbox and the “G” key on PC. This will detonate the sticky bomb and destroy everything around it.