Alpha Pokemon are the big, red-eyed bullies that terrorize your trainer in the early levels of Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Whenever you see a huge Pokemon with glowing red eyes, you’ll know to steer far away until way later. Eventually, you will be able to capture these annoying Pokemon — and there are lots of reasons why you’ll want to. Alpha Pokemon are naturally tougher than standard Pokemon. They’re always much higher level than the others in the same area they spawn, and they drop a whole lot of experience if you win.
But fighting them isn’t necessary. It is perfectly possible to catch an Alpha Pokemon without even initiating a fight. You’ll need to progress through the story far enough to unlock the right item recipes, but once you’ve got the items listed below, you can safely catch (or farm) Alpha Pokemon. Just remember to bring plenty of Pokeballs. It takes patience.
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How To Catch Alpha Pokemon | Powerful Pokemon Catching Tips
To catch Alpha Pokemon, you’ll need Sticky Globs. Another item you’ll get much earlier is the Ball of Mud which works the same way — but is much less effective. Once you have Sticky Globs, catching Alpha Pokemon becomes much easier.
- Items You’ll Need: Sticky Globs
- Alternatively: Earlier in the story, you can use Balls of Mud, Smoke Bombs and Stealth Spray.

Sticky Globs are unlocked by around the third region, and require x1 Spoiled Apricorn, x1 Caster Fern, and x1 Ball of Mud. Craft up plenty of Sticky Globs before attempting to capture an Alpha — 20 or so, along with as many of your best Pokeballs.
- How To Catch Alpha Pokemon: Use Sticky Globs to slow the Alpha Pokemon until it is stunned. This may require 3-5~ glob throws. You can do this while they’re enraged and attacking your trainer. It will still stun them.
- While stunned, run behind the Pokemon and throw your best Pokeball for a back-attack. This should trigger a special sound effect when done correctly.
- Use Great Balls, Ultra Balls, or your heaviest Heavy Ball while backstriking while the Pokemon is stunned. Your capture chances are increased while the Alpha Pokemon is stunned, and when scoring a successful back-attack.
Sticky Globs seriously make capturing Alpha Pokemon almost too easy. You’ll be able to rapidly level up your current Pokemon by winning without a fight, or just use the new high-level Pokemon to steamroll through the story fights. And Alpha Pokemon are tied to their original spawn, so you can catch them over and over again.
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