Life Is Strange: True Colors continues Dontnod’s emotional interactive adventure series, placing you in the headspace of Alex Chen, a young new arrival in a small Colorado mining town. After a traumatic event, there’s a mystery to solve and plenty of new friends to meet along the way. Alex Chen, like other LiS protagonists, has a paranormal ability. She can read people’s thoughts with the power of empathy — it doesn’t just let her read minds, she’ll also feel what they feel, even copying their twitches exactly. Not exactly the best power in the world to wield, but handy if you’re investigating a mystery.
And like other games in the Life Is Strange series, there are collectibles to find. Each collectible has its own achievement / trophy, and if you’re aiming to 100% the game, you just need to finish each chapter while collecting these secret objects. There are five collectibles in each chapter, and we’ve got the locations listed while trying to avoid spoilers as much as possible.
More Life Is Strange: True Colors guides:
How To Unlock All Missable Achievements / Trophies
If you miss any collectibles, you can replay via Chapter Select, find the collectible that you may have missed listed below and then quit to earn the collectible achievements / trophies.
Memories are special hidden events that are triggered by specific objects in the environment. To trigger a memory, you need to use your empathy ability [L2 / LT] on the objects listed below.
Chapter 1
- Memory #1: Riley’s Letter – Inside Gabe’s apartment, check letter on the desk.
- Memory #2: Crack – Still in the apartment, check the hallway for a “crack” under the neon Stalker poster, next to the small shelf.
- Memory #3: Business Card – At the bar, go behind the bar — its to the right of the blue monitor.
- Memory #4: Helmet – At the mining area late in the chapter, when you visit at night, look for a helmet on the ground to the left of the gate.
- Memory #5: Phone – On the way to the silo, you’ll stop at a processing facility while exploring the mine at night. Immediately after you enter, turn around and check the phone.
Chapter 2
- Memory #6: Button – At the start of the chapter, go upstairs to the rooftop and check the garden area. In the gardener near the ledge, you’ll find a button you can interact with.
- Memory #7: Rent Check – Go downstairs into the empty bar and check behind the counter. Near the sink, there’s a rent check.
- Memory #8: Umbrella – Still in the bar, go toward the restrooms in the back. Next to the EXIT, there’s an umbrella at the coatrack.
- Memory #9: Gummies – Go to the weed dispensary and use empathy on the gummies in the back room — they’re to the right as you enter.
- Memory #10: T-Shirt – Last, go down main street to the Flower Shop. The t-shirt is in an open cabinet to the left, near the floor.
Chapter 3
- Memory #11: Bomber Jacket – Back in the bar, check the coatrack near the restrooms. Its in the same spot as the Umbrella in Chapter 2.
- Memory #12: Appointment Slip – After getting dressed for larping, you can return to Gullweather’s Tavern. Out front, near the big bloodstain, you can find this slip of paper on the ground.
- Memory #13: Old Paper – On the quest, when returning to the bar, a new collectible will appear in the pool room. Look on the table to the left as you enter.
- Memory #14: Valkyrie’s Dish – Continuing the larping adventure, you’ll eventually return to the Record Store. Inside, look on a shelf near the floor, to the left of the glowing guitar car. The shelf is behind the counter.
- Memory #15: Dollar – Found on the ground on the path toward the king. This dollar can only be interacted with after you’ve finished all the quests. Make sure you don’t walk too far down the path — right past the dollar you can trigger a cutscene that causes you to miss it.
Chapter 4
- Memory #16: Pressed Rose – Back in your apartment at night, once you gain control, turn around and look at the pressed rose in a picture frame, hanging on the wall above the kitchen table.
- Memory #17: Microphone – Progress until you arrive at the festival at night. Once you have control, turn around and check behind the concert stage. There’s a microphone on the floor of the stage behind the red curtains.
- Memory #18: Drum Kit – Easy. The drum kit is right on the main band stage, you can’t miss it.
- Memory #19: Polaroid – Before you get the rose to end the chapter, return to the bar and go to the restrooms yet again. Check the polaroid hanging on the wall next to the women’s restroom.
- Memory #20: CIT Sticker – Again, don’t end the chapter yet. From main street, go down to the Flower Shop. Before the bridge, look on the side of the shop where all the small planters are displayed. On the glass of the green house, there’s a sticker you can scan.
Chapter 5
- Memory #21: Mom’s Keys – In the hospital room, check the keys on the counter next to the restroom door, opposite the bed.
- Memory #22: Business Card – Later, you’ll enter a home while two people are arguing loudly outside. Go inside the small kitchen and look at the small table across from the fridge in the corner.
- Memory #23: Guitar Strings – Appearing in the Orphanage bunkroom, check the bunkbeds for a set of guitar strings.
- Memory #24: Pendant – This collectible is unmissable. As you progress in the story, in the mineshaft, you’ll find this pendant under a pile of rocks and trigger a memory.
- Memory #25: Bomber Jacket – The final collectible is back in your apartment. You’ll find the jacket hanging on a kitchen table chair.
For finding all 25 collectibles, you’ll unlock the achievement / trophy for completing all collectibles for all chapters.