The “Murder on Eridanos” expansion adds a pretty unique tool to your Outer Worlds arsenal. The Discrepancy Amplifier is a story-required unique gun that shoots weak little balls of energy. But, this isn’t a gun for shooting — you’ll want to use it to spot hidden clues all around the Eridanos colony. Whenever you get close to a temporal discrepancy, your device will alert you. Using the aim-down-sights scope will make the clue appear in a flourish of blue energy.
The device is required for all the main story quests, and you’ll even need it for completing bonus side-quests. Finding all the clues can also complete secondary objectives for bigger rewards. Basically, you have to have a Discrepancy Amplifier all the time. If you lose one, it’s possible to get it back — and you can use this system to your advantage.
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How To Get A Replacement Discrepancy Amplifier & Farm For Infinite Weapon Parts
Early in the “Murder on Eridanos” DLC, you’ll get the Discepancy Amplifier. This unique weapon can spot “clues” in the environment of Eridanos — the device will light up and warn you when a clue is nearby. It’s required to complete the main story quests on the colony.
It’s so important, you’ll have to keep one in your inventory. If you accidentally sell it or break it down, you’ll need to get a new one. You can always get a replacement in the Grand Colonial Hotel.
- How To Get Replacement Discrepancy Amplifiers: In the Grand Colonial Hotel, from the entrance, go up the left stairs and enter the medical room. Just through the entrance door, there’s a yellow box. If you don’t have a Discrepancy Amplifier in your inventory, you can interact with this box to collect a replacement.
This is also a very simple (and incredibly slow) way to farm infinite Weapon Parts. You can just continue breaking down the Discepancy Amplifier as many times as you want to earn x3 Weapon Parts per breakdown. Just stand next to the box; breakdown, recollect, breakdown, recollect, and so on forever.
It’s up to you if you want to just go for endless Weapon Parts. I’ve never needed more than I can find just exploring the environment and breaking down all the weapons I find, but if you never want to run out, I think players have earned an easier method for getting them in this second DLC expansion.