Golf games tend to cater to a more niche group, and due to that harsh truth, good golf titles are hard to come by. However, there are still some simulation and arcade-style titles that we’d suggest checking out if you’re interested in the genre. In this list, we’re highlighting some of the very best golf video games on the PlayStation 4.
#8 100ft Robot Golf

Platform: PS4, PC
Release Date: October 10, 2016
Genre: Sports
If we really have to break down what 100ft Robot Golf is? You really need to learn how to take things literally.
In 100ft Robot Golf, you will indeed play as one of several kinds of robots that aren’t exactly the most flexible and help them try to get through the golf courses they’re on. Oh, and if they just happen to wreck stuff? Or you need to break a building in order to get a clean shot? Don’t worry about it! Just do what needs to be done to get par. That’s how golf works, right? That’s what we thought, so have at it and don’t forget to shout, “FORE!!!”
#7 Golf Club: Wasteland

Platform: iOS, Android, PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
Release Date: September 3, 2021
Genre: Sports
PC | Xbox | PlayStation | Nintendo
Golf Club: Wasteland is an interesting take on the traditional golf genre. In this title, players are tossed onto a ruined Earth. The planet has been abandoned, with most of society now living on Mars. With that said, Earth is still visited by the ultra-rich for a thrilling game of golf. In this title, players go through different courses as they attempt to sink their shots perfectly. This feels more like a puzzle game as players need to take each shot carefully while avoiding different obstacles. Meanwhile, as you go through the courses, you’ll get to uncover what happened to Earth and the society that eventually saw the planet collapse.
#6 Golf With Your Friends

Platform: PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One
Release Date: May 19, 2020
Genre: Casual, sports
PC | Xbox | PlayStation | Nintendo
If regular golf isn’t your thing, how about minigolf? We all played putt-putt in our youth and that experience is something you can experience again with Golf With Your Friends. This simplistic arcade-style game strips away any avatars and clubs, only focusing on the ball itself. If customization is your thing, don’t worry– you can trick it out with different colors and hats to make it a bit more unique. The courses themselves are just as lighthearted and whimsical, from a pirates cove to a space station.
Controls are incredibly simple, making this game perfect for gamers of all skill levels. During the game, players are simply able to position what direction they’d like to hit the ball with a meter to indicate how much power is behind the strike. Each course brings its own challenges to overcome–you’ll find ramps, loops, and hills that make it a challenge to decide just how much power to put behind your swings. As the title suggests, this game is perfect to play with friends. Up to twelve players total can play together online.
#5 Party Golf

Platform: PS4, PC, Nintendo Switch, Ouya, Xbox One
Release Date: PS4, PC – October 26, 2016 / Nintendo Switch – October 19, 2017
Ouya – October 2015 / Xbox One – 25 May 2019
Genre: Party Game, Sports Game
PC | Xbox | PlayStation | Nintendo
Party Golf aims to be the next fun party game to play with your friends. A 2D title, players are tasked with hitting their ball quickly to reach the hole before time runs out. It’s very fast-paced with matches not lasting longer than a minute, perfect for people with poor attention spans. Interestingly, the levels are procedurally generated as well, so finding unique levels is a breeze. There’s a pretty wide range of different game modes that can alter the mechanics and styles of maps. If you give this game a go, it might be your newest addiction.
#4 The Golf Club 2

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Release Date: June 27, 2017
Genre: Sports
If you’re looking for a more simulator-style golf game, The Golf Club series is perfect. For this list, we’re going to be focusing on its sequel The Golf Club 2. Aiming for realism, players should expect quite a bit of strategic shots and a strict set of rules. If you’re not the biggest fan of the sport, you might find the lengthy set of tutorials to be a bit cumbersome, but the title does its best to give players a deep understanding of what the sport entails.
From here you can embark on a traditional career mode where you’ll work up the ranks of being a professional golfer and earn money to use for in-game cosmetics or gear. Of course, there are multiplayer modes as well, so feel free to face off against other players on the course. If you’re connected online, you can play against previously recorded players from a course–essentially their ghost. Controls rely on the analog sticks to take most of the shots.
You’ll find that each course has its own challenges for players to attempt such as getting Birdies or simply finishing under par. If you’re finding the courses to be a bit bland, the course creator option allows players to craft their own unique courses to play or upload online for other golfers to attempt.
#3 Dangerous Golf

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Release Date: June 2, 2016
Genre: Sports
PC | Xbox | PlayStation
Dangerous Golf got plenty of attention as an indie game, largely due to who was working on the project. Several developers working at Criterion Games went on to create Three Fields Entertainment. If you don’t recall Criterion Games by the name alone, this was the famed development studio that created the immensely popular Burnout racing franchise. Racing and golf are two widely different sports, but you’ll see the similarities right away between these two games.
While Burnout thrived on action-packed crashes during races, Dangerous Golf focuses on the insane damage players can inflict on each level with only their golf ball. It’s very much an arcade-style game with players being able to smash a ball that can destroy everything from a gas station to a museum hall to a kitchen. Similar to Burnout where after a crash, players could trigger a further explosion to deal even more damage to the area, Dangerous Golf adds a similar element to give players one more chance to create some extra mayhem. The game’s multiplayer mode invites up to eight players to join in on the fun and compete to see who’s able to destroy the most.
#2 Everybody’s Golf

Platform: PS4
Release Date: August 30, 2017
Genre: Sports
You might know Everbody’s Golf as its original title, Hot Shots Golf. This series has been around since 1997 and recently found itself going through a rebranding. This arcade-style video game golf title invites players to create their character and challenge various golf matches and tournaments. Throughout the game, players will be consistently gaining XP and in-game currency to further purchase various cosmetics and gear.
This is a more lighthearted title, but players can still utilize various shots and strategic swings to get around different obstacles or deal with poor weather conditions. Game mechanics are easy to get used to, featuring a traditional meter-style system where you’re only dealing with three button presses. After you’re done aiming, a single press of a button initiates the shot, as the meter goes up you’re deciding on how much power you would like to have behind your swing. The last press determines the accuracy.
While you can play traditional courses, a few challenges will make the gameplay fresher, such as dealing with larger size holes or added obstacles. We also can’t forget to mention that there’s a VR spin-off title, so those who own a PlayStation VR headset can lose themselves in the Everybody’s Golf VR addition to really feel like a part of the green. Sadly, the game’s online features will be removed on September 30, 2022.
#1 PGA Tour 2K21

Platform: Stadia, PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One
Release Date: August 21, 2020
Genre: Sports
PC | Xbox | PlayStation | Nintendo
PGA Tour 2K21 is another franchise that was a rebrand from another video game series. Much like how Hot Shots Golf went through a rebrand to be called Everybody’s Golf, The Golf Club franchise has been switched to PGA Tour 2K21, bringing golf to the 2K Sports banner. If you’re familiar with The Golf Club franchise, you know that this is more of a serious simulator. Players go through tournaments and participate in various golf matches from iconic courses throughout North America.
Similar to The Golf Club 2, there’s also a variety of tournament rules and course-specific challenges to complete. Players can even create their unique courses to provide a new scenic and challenging game for others online. Being a simulator, PGA Tour 2K21 has a wide range of helpful tips and hints for newcomers or veteran fans to go through. However, it’s worth noting that these indicators and guides can be turned off, allowing players to showcase what they’d like to see on their display. Meanwhile, the career mode will have players going through different tournaments and professional PGA courses. Depending on how good you are, signing up for a contract sponsorship deal will help earn you some new cosmetics.