BP (Battle Points) are the resource you’ll want in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. This mobile MOBA encourages daily play, and that’s the best way to earn lots of BP. If you login daily, it’s possible to ~11,000 BP minimum, and there are even more ways to earn extra. Here we’re going to break down how to earn the maximum amount of BP per week, and what you can do to grab some bonus BP.
You don’t even need to play that much a day. To earn lots of BP, start by grabbing the daily login bonus — then you’ll want to play about 4 matches (one A.I. match, two Classic matches, and one Brawl match) for daily activity BP. Winning obviously gets you the most BP, but it isn’t required if you’re just looking to collect.
Share your wins on Social Media for extra rewards (twice a day), and aim for the Gold Chest reward. The easiest way to get it is from A.I. matches. With a little practice, you can start pulling in tons of BP. Let’s break down all the ways you can earn.
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How To Earn The Most BP Every Week | Efficient Farming Guide
To earn about ~11,000 BP a week, you’ll need to reach the maximum weekly BP limit (9,000 BP w/ Booster), earn extra BP for Daily Activity / Social Media Sharing, earning Activity Rewards, and collecting Daily Chests. There are four major BP-earning routes you can take, along with tons of bonus ways to earn a little more BP.
Starting off, here are all the basic activities you’ll want to complete every day / week to collect BP.
- Weekly BP Limit W/ Booster [9000 BP]
- Weekly BP Limit W/O Booster [7500 BP]
- Booster Adds [+1500 BP]
- Daily / Weekly Chests Total [800 BP]
- Blue Chests – Reset Every 4 Hours [~50 BP]
- Gold Chest – Resets Daily At 9PM [~250 BP]
- Pink Chest – Weekly Activity Bonus [500 BP]
- Ad Chest – Opt-In Chests, Watch An Ad [~35 BP]
- Weekly Login & Activity Rewards [1000 BP]
- Day 3 Login Bonus [~750 BP]
- Day 5 Login Bonus [~250 BP]
- Weekly Match Rewards [600 BP]
- Daily Quests [~200 BP]
- Push ‘Help’ If You Lose [+150 BP]
- Classic Match Bonus W/ BP Boost [~250 BP]
Weekly BP Average: ~11,400 BP

There are many other ways you can earn extra BP. This is just the baseline for most players. You’ll want to complete daily quests, finish up weeklies, login daily for rewards, and collect chests. There still more ways to earn BP, so let’s talk about bonus BP methods.
- The more heroes and skins you unlock, the more BP you’ll earn daily.
- For every hero / skin you have, you can earn [+30 BP] per day through skin trials.
- Friends can gift each other BP daily up to three times.
- You’ll get [+50 BP] for each gift — for a total of [+150 BP] daily.
- Joining an Active Squid will get you a weekly [+500 BP] bonus.
- Earning Stars in matches can earn you huge rewards. The more stars, the better the rewards. You can earn [~1800 BP] by unlocking Stars.
And finally, there’s the Lucky Spin. Lucky Spin gives you a chance to earn prizes — you can gain [+300 BP] if you’re lucky. If you’re really, really lucky you can land on a hero / skin. If you land on a hero / skin you already own, you’ll get a huge BP bonus — [~10,000 BP]!
That’s all the ways we’ve found for earning tons of BP. I’ll update the guide to include any new methods as they’re discovered. Until then, good hunting, hero!