Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is the 2nd expansion to the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. Whether you’re a veteran of the series or just looking to get your toes wet, figuring out everything that is being added in this gigantic expansion is no easy feat. We put together a list below outlining everything you need to know.
Find more Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood on Gameranx:
- Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood | Dungeon Boss Guide
- Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood | Unlock the Red Mage and Samurai Jobs
What’s New?
New Job: Red Mage — A ranged hybrid DPS that can both cast spells with a crystal and execute melee attacks with a rapier. Red Mages use the same gear as a Black Mage and can cast Red, Black and White Mage spells. Starts at Level 50.
New Job: Samurai — A melee DPS that executes attacks with a two-handed katana. Samurais share their gear with Monks and use the three forces of Sen to store energy and unleash powerful attacks. Starts at Level 50.

Level Cap Increase — Players can increase the level of their combat and profession jobs from 60 to 70.
8 New Dungeons:
- Bardam’s Mettle
- Castrum Abania
- Doma Castle
- Shisui of the Violet Tides
- The Sirensong Sea
- Ala Mhigo (Expert)
- Kugane Castle (Expert)
- The Temple of the Fist (Expert)
New High Level Raid — “Omega – The Bend of Time”, an 8 man interdimensional rift raid.
New Alliance Raid — “Return To Ivalice”, a 24 man alliance raid guest created by Keita Amemiya and Yasumi Matsuno.
New Locations — Players can travel to Gyr Abania and discover The Fringes, The Peaks and The Lochs. Visit Othard in the Ruby Sea, home to pirates and the Kojin beast tribe. And journey to Yanxia and the Azim Steppe.
New Cities — Kugane located in Hingashi, and Rhalgr’s Reach located in Gyr Abania.
New Best Tribes — The Ananta, a serpentine tribe located in Ala Mhigo. And the Kojin, a tortoise-like tribe in the Ruby Sea.
New Primals — Lakshmi with the Ananta tribe and Susano with the Kojin tribe.
New Residential District — Shirogane located in Hingashi, a feudal Japanese inspired housing area located on an island.
Much, Much More:
- Battle System Improvements
- PvP Updates
- New gear and crafting recipes
- Expanded inventory system
- The Forbidden Land of Eureka exploratory missions
- Swimming and Diving