Eador: Genesis Is Free On GOG For a Limited Time
Grab it while you can!
Including reworks for the new and old, and changes to the card system!
Vanquisher nerfed, handguns and shotguns buffed.
Bug fixes and buffs incoming.
Swop guns for Axes in Destructive Creation's RTS.
Jeff Kaplan: “I think Symmetra fans will be very pleased soon.”
Store your credit card details on the Switch from today.
What will you be picking up this week?
A classic you can't miss!
Beaten by a small margin.
The PS4 controller you never knew you wanted.
Snag Gravity Rush 2, Gears of War 4 and NieR: Automa at discounted rates!
Play as the legendary Planeswalkers!
Also, tap into a variety of cosmetics and features by snagging a Battle Pass.
It can only go uphill from here, right?