Top 10 Best Android RPGs 2016
The top RPG video games for Android 2016.
Master of Orion Collector's Edition now available for purchase. Here is everything that comes packed inside.
3D Hubs show off low-poly Pokémon 3D prints in celebration of Pokémon's 20th anniversary.
Sony files patent for potential PlayStation VR glove controller.
Gamers discover several exploits in Grifball for Halo 5: Guardians.
New Prison Architect features shown off for upcoming console release.
New Battleborn heroes, Whiskey Foxtrot, Kelvin, and Shayne & Aurox revealed.
Assassin's Creed: Identity launches internationally for Apple iOS.
Details finally emerged for LucasArts video game pitch Star Wars VII: Shadows of The Sith.
Riot Games launches League of Legends companion app.
Hitman GO: Definitive Edition leaps from the mobile platform onto console and PC, but is it worth your money?
Ubisoft Far Cry Primal day one patch adds Expert mode to the game.
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition listing appears on Windows 10 Store.
Smosh Games features Fire Emblem in their latest Honest Game Trailers.
Titan Comics shows off a preview page of the upcoming Dark Souls comic.
Sony offers Critics' Choice sale which offers discounts for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita games.
Ports of Risk of Rain officially announced for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.
PlayStation Plus members have spoken! Broforce wins Sony's second Vote to Play event.
Street Fighter V servers will be down for three hours today as developers resolve game issues.
GameStop offering new incentive to pre-order Doom on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Dark Souls III pre-orders are live now! Here's what you can get by pre-orders through Steam, PS4, and Xbox One.
Todd Howard talks about Bethesda's Fallout Shelter success and their strive to develop new mobile titles.
Pokémon Rumble World goes retail in North America.