What Made The Last of Us GREAT?
The Last of Us has become a definitive video game classic. What made it so great? We have quite a bit to say.
The Last of Us has become a definitive video game classic. What made it so great? We have quite a bit to say.
Select PC gamers are unable to start Mass Effect: Andromeda.
Get ready for Shock Tactics on the PC platform.
Alex Hutchinson co-found Typhoon Studios.
Check out this Call of Duty discount sale.
A new shipment of Nintendo Switch units are arriving for Toys R Us.
Enjoy multiplayer gaming? Take a look at this Humble Bundle.
Who is ready for the next Borderlands installment?
Sorry folks there's currently no Dragon Age title in the works.
Expect plenty of re-imagined versions of levels from past Sonic titles.
The next big Call of Duty game on mobile is coming from Candy Crush makers?
Hideo Kojima is keeping busy with Death Stranding development.
Emulators are now officially banned on Xbox One & Windows 10 stores.
Microsoft also took note from the smartphone industry.
Microsoft officially reveals the specifications for their upcoming premium console.
Have you tried exploring Breath of the Wild this way?
Drawn to Death is a third-person multiplayer only shooter. Is it worth your time? Let's take a look.
You may soon see PlayStation VR headsets at your nearest arcade.
Extend the Nintendo Switch battery by twelve hours.
Electronic Arts plans during the E3 season.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild is an awesome game that we love, but we still have some friendly complaints.