When it comes to talking about Civilization VI, the developers over at Firaxis Games thought the best approach was by introducing the factions and their leaders one-by-one over the course of a YouTube video series. Today we get to see Greece and their lea- wait a second. We already saw Greece back in September, with their leader Pericles. But now a second leader has entered the fray here. Well, surprise, surprise. Civilization IV had the feature of multiple leaders per nation, but in the fifth title that was left out. But in Civilization VI, it seems that more than one person can be in charge of a nation. Again.
Gorgo, Queen of Sparta has wall-to-wall royal blood. Being the only child of Cleomenes, the wife of King Leonidas, and mother to Pleistarchus – she’s a lady of politics, certainly. Gorgo will have access to the Acropolis district and the Hoplite unit, and the Plato’s Republic ability that gives her extra policy slots. Her unique ability provides Culture every time her military forces dominate an opponent. No matter what leader you choose to use in-game, Greece’s biggest advantage in Civilization VI is their cultural focus, and you shouldn’t ever take your eyes off the prize of absolute domination. Different leaders with different special abilities means there’s a whole new way to strategically master the game’s factions.
Civilization VI comes out on October 21st for PC, Mac, and Linux. To keep in touch with all the updates and news, watch their website, Twitter, and Facebook.