The final two weeks before a big video game launch are often the most hyped times for the title. Gamers know that they’ll get their hands on it soon, and just as important, they’ll start hearing more and more about the title from those who got copies of the game first for review and preview purposes. For Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, the hype is reaching a fever pitch. Players know that Insomniac Games is one of the best in the business in making quality titles, and they’ve already made two great games featuring the two Spider-Men, so they expect more of the same here.
As for Insomniac, they hope that players are ready for their next experience and have released a tweet reminding players to “be ready” by pre-ordering their copies to have it on launch day.
There are plenty of reasons to be hyped for the sequel, not the least of which is because of all the additions that will be made compared to the last title. In this case, Kraven The Hunter is coming to New York, and he’s going to wage a war against any superhero or supervillain whom he thinks will be a great challenge. The hunter is known for being a tactical genius and incredibly hard to put down, and both Spider-Men will have to deal with New York being embroiled in his “hunt.”
Another challenge they’ll have to face is the arrival of the Symbiote. We’ve seen it previously when it was revealed to be “saving” Harry Osborne from his incurable disease. However, we know it will come into full effect here as it will “attach itself” to Peter Parker to give him the infamous Symbiote Suit. Peter will have to battle his demons to get rid of it, and then, he’ll have to team up with Miles Morales to take him down.
Not to be outdone, the gameplay elements of the title have been enhanced. Fast travel in New York City has never been easier, and thanks to the SSD drive, you can go from one spot to the next without having to get a loading screen. Just as important, both Peter and Miles will have dozens of suits they can wear, new tech for them to take on and use in combat and more.
When you mix all that with beautiful graphics from the PS5? You got a title that will easily be a Game of the Year nominee.
We’ll find out for sure when Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 arrives on October 20th.