2020 was quite the hyped year for the video game industry. We knew that this would be the year next-generation consoles would launch into the marketplace, not to mention the different video game titles that fans have been waiting on. However, 2020 was a pretty rough year to get through. None of us could have predicted just what 2020 would bring, making it quite a difficult patch for all of us to get through.
There are several reasons just why 2020 was a downer of a year. However, the biggest would be the coronavirus health pandemic outbreak that hit the entire world. This resulted in several video game projects getting delayed out of 2020 altogether which should make 2021 quite filled with video game releases. With that said, both Microsoft and Sony were able to deliver their next-generation video game console platforms into the marketplace.
While there is a difficult time getting these consoles from your favorite retailers, the platforms are available. With Sony, you have a few exclusives and third-party titles to enjoy meanwhile Microsoft was forced to release their Xbox Series X console platform into the marketplace without their heavy hitter exclusive that was set to launch alongside the console. Halo Infinite is the next major Halo installment and it was supposed to launch alongside the Xbox Series X until the gameplay footage trailer released.
It took quite a few years before 343 Industries opted to showcase the Halo Infinite gameplay footage for the general public. The result was lackluster as fans took to the internet and voiced their concerns along with frustrations on how Halo Infinite looked at the current development stage. This prompted 343 Industries to pull the game from the 2020 launch in order to continue developing the title. It has since been confirmed that Halo Infinite wouldn’t be available until the fall of 2021, and today we’re finding out that 343 Industries head, Bonnie Ross, is reconfirming that launch window.
“2021 will be a big year for the Halo franchise. As we recently announced, Halo Infinite will release in fall of 2021. I realize the wait has been difficult, and I assure you that the team wants the game in your hands as soon as possible, but they also want to deliver something special…the Halo game you deserve. Thank you for your patience, your understanding, and most importantly your words of support to the team. I cannot express how grateful I am for the Halo community and the encouragement you’ve expressed to us. It has lifted us up and provided us the fuel to keep going. As you saw from the recent blog post, the team is making tremendous progress and is SO eager to show you more.”
For now, we’ll have to wait and see what the updated gameplay footage looks like for Halo Infinite. Meanwhile, the studio hopefully has enough time left to make the necessary improvements towards Halo Infinite. In other Halo related news, it was stated that Halo legacy titles for the Xbox 360 will lose its online support within December of 2021.