Halo: The Master Chief Collection finally includes Halo 3 on PC, and now players can finish the fight in a beautiful remaster of the Xbox 360 classic. But we’re not talking about that today — because you can now unlock Gold Skins for your guns in Halo: CE. It just takes some serious effort.
The Gold weapon skins are currently multiplayer only, but the developers have discussed plans to make these skins available in the campaign, too! The skins are for the Pistol, Assault Rifle, Shotgun and Sniper Rifle — all our favorite straightforward tools of Covenant destruction.
You’ll find these challenges under the Seasonal Tab in the Rewards Hub. They won’t last forever, so you’ll want to unlock these suckers soon. Here’s how to do it.
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How To Quickly Earn The Seasonal Gold Weapon Skins
To unlock the Gold Skins, you’ll need to earn a whole lot of kills. You’ll need to use each specific gun to score kills — and it takes a lot of kills to earn each one. You can earn kills in any Halo: CE mode, but just replaying campaign levels is pretty slow. Here’s all four challenges.
- Gold Pistol: 500 Pistol Kills
- Gold Assault Rifle: 300 Assault Rifle Kills
- Gold Shotgun: 150 Shotgun Kills
- Gold Sniper Rifle: 150 Sniper Kills
The easiest way to earning all these kills? Custom Firefights — that should be obvious, as Firefights are the fastest way to start fighting enemies, but there are a few ways you can make the grind even easier. You’ll want to start by designing your own custom firefight forge modes; it’s very simple, and you’ll just need to swap around a few factors.
First, make sure you start with a Pistol / Assault Rifle loadout and a Shotgun / Sniper Rifle loadout. You need way more Pistol / Assault Rifle kills, so it’s better to pair them.
- Mutators To Add:
- Give yourself every bonus and benefit possible. Give your guns infinite ammo, make enemies get killed in one hit, increase player speed, lower gravity for easier jumps, etc.
You’ll always to want play on Heroic or Legendary — there’s a chance you’ll die on Legendary, so I recommend Heroic so more enemies spawn. Use your custom loadout and just nuke every enemy with each gun until you’ve completed the individual challenge.
Even with all these changes, it takes a pretty good amount of time to score all these kills. It’ll take between 40-60 minutes for each skin, but this is still the fastest possible method. I also recommend playing solo so you don’t have to deal with friends stealing all your kills.
And that’s really it. The best map to play on is Corvette, just because it’s so small, but you can play on any map. If you’re sick of looking at all that Covenant purple, I also recommend the classic Beachhead.