Shantae and the Pirate's Curse isn't the only digital gift that will be waiting for us under the Christmas tree this year. In its press release for the next round of eShop releases, Nintendo announced that Duck Hunt will make its debut on Wii U's Virtual Console on December 25. Ever since Nintendo shared that Duck Hunt in Smash trailer, we've been wondering when duck season would begin.
Why should we be excited for just another port of an old NES game? Because Duck Hunt in particular has been an oft-requested title ever since the Virtual Console service first launched on the original Wii. As the NES classic required the use of the Light Gun peripheral, Nintendo had to tweak the game so that it could accept the Wii Remote as a Light Gun replacement. In other words, make sure you have a Wii Remote around, because you can't play Duck Hunt otherwise.
Since we're on the subject of eShop releases, do read through the press release above to learn about the various sales going on now. Make special note of the Mega Manniversary sale, during which six Mega Man games across Wii U and 3DS have been discounted up to 50% off from now until 8:59 AM Pacific on December 22.