Adam Sessler Departs G4 Over Contractual Dispute
Adam Sessler has just left G4 TV over a contractual dispute.
Adam Sessler has just left G4 TV over a contractual dispute.
The PlayStation 3 may be getting its own Smash Bros. style game.
Microsoft has found another way to drain your money. It's code named Woodstock.
You don't know the power of the floppy drive.
Six new modes for Mercenary Ops have been revealed.
Used games are quite controversial these days.
A staple voice actor of the GTA series is rumored to return in the new game.
Bethesda has launched a mysterious new website for their upcoming game Dishonored.
Watch the story trailer of the Walking Dead to get a good feel for the horror adventure series.
Units in the upcoming XCOM can be customized to a surprising degree, making each squad a unique one.
That headline sounds like a used car sale ad.
A novel idea, indeed!
QuakeCon Pre-reg goodies and more details!
The creator of Zack & Wiki, Hironobu Takeshita, expressed an interest in creating a sequel for the game.
Zoe Payne takes on Mt. Eddie in the upcoming DLC.
Uncharted 3 will be getting the Game of the Year Edition treatment, which is set to include all the DLCs for the game to date.
Could they be planning a large-scale MMO event of their own?
Strap yourself in and feel the G's!