As noted by Gamers Association, EA is giving away free PC games on their distrbution service, Origin. For whatever reason, EA has been pretty hush-hush about it, and there's no details on how long this promotion will last. But if you're in North America and there's a game that retails under $20 that you've been eyeing, now's the time to see if you can get it…for free. Not all games are reported to work, and some people have been been able to get as much as two games using the promo code OS3874XVC.
The games that were confirmed to have worked by GA is as follows:
- Battlefield 2
- Battlefield 2142
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2
- Bulletstorm
- Burnout Paradise
- Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
- Crysis
- Crysis Warhead
- Dead Space
- Dead Space 2
- Dragon Age: Origins
- Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening
- Dragon Age II
- FIFA 12
- Mass Effect 2
- Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
- Mirror’s Edge
- Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit
- Need For Speed Shift II: Unleashed
- The Saboteur
- Shank
- Sim City 4
- Spore
Unfortunately we do not know when this promotion will no longer work, but it might be worth a shot.