Unless you've been avoiding the Internet for the past couple weeks, you will have heard of the most unexpected game of 2012, Tokyo Jungle. Part Roguelike, part time travel simulation, part Animal Planet advertisement, this game is not something that has been seen before.
In Tokyo Jungle, the player takes on the role of an animal in a Tokyo that has lost all of its humans. While the reason for humanity's absence is unknown, you do find out how well a Pomeranian can fight against a Lion…or even a Velociraptor.
Gameranx offered previous content on Tokyo Jungle along with information about an interview with the developers here.
So, this game is hard and it takes a bit of grinding to really start getting into the nitty gritty of the story. For gamers looking to really focus and burn through the game, look no further than this google document. In my own playthrough of the game, I had a tremendous amount of difficult trying to figure out where certain locations were in Dogenzaka or what animals allowed me to unlock other ones.
I can only hope that the Salaryman DLC is released so that we can play a different kind of animals rights game besides PETA's Pokemon.