The Seiken Densetsu series, also known as the Mana series, will be getting a very special physical and digital release in Japan. It will be a triple whammy release featuring the first three games in the series: Seiken Densetsu (Final Fantasy Adventure), Seiken Densetsu 2 (Secret of Mana), and Seiken Densetsu 3 (Legend of the Sacred Sword 3).
There are some pretty nice updates coming along in the collection, including a quick-save feature, a music mode that enables you to listen to audio from all three games via the home screen, and screen change mode, which lets you easily select from multiple screen sizes to play with. As some of you may remember, this feature originally appeared in the first Seiken Densetsu title.
The Seiken Densetsu collection is due to release on June 1 for Nintendo Switch at a retail price of 4,800 Japanese yen (around $43 USD). And guess what? The Nintendo Switch eShop is region free, so even though the collection is coming out in Japan, you can still play it. Here’s our quick guide on how to access regional eShops.