I know, most of us are really waiting on Capybara Game's Super Time Force. I'm sorry, you'll have to keep waiting for that. In the meantime, you might want to check out Capybara's other offerings…like maybe Critter Crunch! Which not only exists on PSN and iOS, but now also Steam. Rejoice, PC players.
The trailer above advertises that fact, and shows some fantastic gameplay and special animations to commemorate the Steam release. It's an absurdly cute game. And for just $6.99, it's not a bad price to break out your wallet.
As the video might tell you, the point of the game is to match creatures by color, eventually feeding your little critters. You big momma furry thing. There's a handful of single player modes, co-op modes, and you can have cross-platform play between PCs and Mac. Not bad.
Hopefully this tides you over until Super Time Force. If nothing else, it supports a developer making great games….as an aside to netting you one great game! Also a lot of rainbows and barfing. Win-win.