I can’t seem to go five feet without tripping over licensed Angry Birds merchandise these days. If it isn’t the kids next door hurling stuffed toys at each other, it’s a patch on someone’s backpack, or a bag of gummies in the grocery store checkout line. So in contrast to all of that, Bad Piggies just screams innovation. No, it really does.
Check out this gameplay trailer, which demonstrates not only a role reversal with the antagonist pigs in the spotlight, but also a more overarching thematic reversal. Rather than hurling furious avians at various poorly supported structures, Bad Piggies players are tasked with creating ad hoc vehicles to zip, fly, and detonate across a landscape of obstacles. Cutely, of course. We wouldn’t have it any other way.
Bad Piggies is set to drop September 27th for iOS and Android, with Windows Phone and PC versions at a later date.
Via VG24/7.