SEGA has released a new trailer for Gearbox's upcoming Aliens: Colonial Marines and it's called "Alien Tension."
If you've seen an Aliens film before, it's obvious that the tension is meant for how the Xenomorphs traverse the level's environments while silently stalking the Marines.
If you've yet to see an Alien film, one major difference between this one compared to other games and movies is that the Marines aren't an overpowered group of dudebros that can take down a whole planet all by themselves. In the Alien universe, one Xenomorph is more than a match for two to three Marines…unless you're named Ripley, of course.
Hopefully, this tension can carry the whole game, because if it can, we might be in for a treat.
Aliens: Colonial Marines is scheduled for release in February next year for the PC, Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii U.