What happens when you cross YouTube's Transcribe Audio feature with Mass Effect 3? You blow minds, that's what. Mass Effect Transcribed is a Tumblr following the adventures of Jeffery Commander as he navigates bastardized dialogue in the Mass Effect universe. By uploading game footage to YouTube and then letting the ever-incorrect audio transcription software take over, you end up with some amazing misheard Mass Effect quotes.
With lines like "As sergeant rupert gardener here how can I be a circus" and "But the genocide of an entire species is a long slow process. That was how I think elevators work," it might feel fabricated – too good to be true – but thankfully it's just poor recognition on YouTube's part. I know the threat of robots becoming sentient is a constant fear in our society, so it's nice to see them get it wrong once in awhile.
This is an instant meme creator, with tons of Reddit-karma just waiting to be accepted from r/gaming. I see this spawning a new sect of "misheard game quote" Tumblrs, and honestly, that's a future I'm okay with.