Is Watch Dogs as innovative and exciting as people are saying? I loved the trailer, loved the visuals (although hesitated when I found out that was on a top end PC) and I thought the ideas behind it were nice, but I can't help but think that this wouldn't be the first time we've all become interested in a game and then the finished work has suffered from repetitive gameplay or more limitations on the techniques that perhaps we'd been led to believe.
I have a lot of questions about Watch Dogs and I can't help but feel that they're probably not going to be answered until I have the game in my hand and I get some one on one time with the finished title. At most we're only going to have to wait 18 months. Ubisoft made it clear at the conference that Watch Dogs wouldn't launch this year, but people started to use that as ammo in the "it'll be on next-gen consoles" argument. So, when someone asked on Twitter, Ubi made it clear: the game will launch in 2013.