There are a lot of people on the internet who hope that Sony can turn E3 around. They're not impressed with the Xbox Smart Glass, they don't like the idea of yet another sports game joining the EA brand and they find it laughable that that last press conference came and went without a single mention of Mass Effect 3. More laughable was the use of the word unique when explaining Battlefield 3's premium service.
And while the best on offer tonight is still hidden away for the time being, retailer may have let slip a few announcements, putting several games up for pre-order that either don't officially exist or haven't been commented on for quite a while. Under the E3 section of the site, a dedicated store which allows you to pre-order games as they're announced, there are listings for Resident Evil Portable, Killzone Vita and, most shockingly, Agent.
Now it's perfectly possible that these games have been put up by some less-than-patient employee with an eye for rumours and an uncaring attitude towards getting people excited. On the other hand, tonight might be the night when we finally hear about the status of Agent. I guess we don't have long to find out.