It seems a few screenshots of Dead Space 3 has made its way online and shows more than the game's pretty graphics. One of the screenshots show series protagonist Isaac Clarke has grown a manly beard. While in another, it shows an unknown enemy aiming his (its?) laser sight at Clarke and Carver.
Speaking of which, it seems the rumors that surfaced earlier this year have some meat in them! Clarke will be teaming up with John Carver to take down Necromorphs! Again, the screens can't outright confirm it, but these screens heavily imply co-op, no?
It might just be me, but that enemy doesn't look at all human, no? Necromorph hybrids with guns? Hell yeah — as long as they don't make it a straight shooter, of course.
To see the rest of the screens, click here.
Are you liking what you've seen so far or does it look like the game is slowly becoming a "buddy shooter?" We'll know the details for sure once EA officially opens the lid on Dead Space 3 at E3.
Source: AGB