Sony will be giving their handheld console, the PlayStation Vita, a €50 price cut for a month and a half starting in June.
The company will be offering a rebate of €50 on any purchase of the PS Vita made between June 1 and July 15. The offer is not applicable for any purchases made before, or after the date—so be sure to hold off on buying one if you have yet to do so. You've just a few days to wait before the sale comes into effect
"The PS Vita is the latest generation of handheld console and more than 1.8m have been sold worldwide since its launch,” said SCE Europe's Philippe Cardon.
“His innovations are numerous. With this offer we want to make it more accessible to the greatest number with the approach of summer vacation.”
The price drop should be more than enough to stimulate the device's sales, coupled with any game announcements Sony plans to make at E3 this year.
Source: MCVUK