Rockstar has unveiled its downloadable content plans for Max Payne 3, which are set for release in June and beyond. Additionally, Rockstar plans to offer a lesser-priced DLC Pass that allows players to download the DLCs as they become available.
All DLCs will be made available on the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 through their respective online services.
Titled "Local Justice", the first DLC pack for Max Payne 3 will be available in June. It will feature the Police Precinct map for the Gang Wars, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Payne Killer modes. Two other maps are also expected to be included with the DLC, along with a host of multiplayer challenges, multiplayer avatar items and more.
The Rockstar DLC Pass will provide players with complete access to all Max Payne 3 DLC for 2400 MSP or $29.99, offering a 35% discount on all the DLC purchased individually.
Here's what Rockstar has in schedule:
June 2012
Local Justice Map Pack
Summer 2012
Disorganized Crime Map Pack
Deathmatch Made In Heaven Mode Pack
Hostage Negotiation Map Pack
New York Minute Co-Op Pack
Fall 2012
Painful Memories Map Pack
Trickle Down Economics Map Pack
Max Payne 3 is out on May 29 for the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.