Level-5 disappointed me in their last Playstation 3 outing. While many enjoyed White Knight Chronicles, I was insurmountably let down. I felt that the plot was generic, the gameplay system flawed, and the characters uninspired. It was not what I would call a true Level-5 experience. Being that I had waited for White Knight Chronicles so long, the denial stage of griefing lasted a lot longer when compared to other $60 wastebin wonders.
However, after seeing this trailer, I do believe that the raw imagination which made Level-5 awesome in the first place has returned in full force. What starts off as an anime-ish cutscene turns into gameplay throughout the course of this trailer, and the gameplay in question seems to be extremely reiminscent of Dragon Quest – specifically number eight, Journey of the Cursed King.
In any case, am I just a blithering idiot who wants to see Level-5's return to greatness, or is this a step in the right direction? Let me know in the comments below.