Sony has revealed on the official Playstation blog that early European adopters of their new paid service, PSN Plus, will be receiving a free copy of LittleBigPlanet. Offer only available if you sign up between June 29th and August 3rd.
PS3 owners will have to pay £39.99 for a 12-month subscription, or £11.99 for 90 days in Europe and $49.99 for a 12-month subscription, or $17.99 for 90 days in the US.

James Thorpe, PlayStation Network Product Manager explained what users can expect from PSN Plus when it launches June 29:
– The current PSN features will remain free. We are still very committed to PSN as a free gaming service and are certainly not planning on reducing this service following the launch of PlayStation Plus.
– Plus is an evolving service and the features included at launch will be:
Exclusive items on PlayStation Store
Full Game Trial
Automatic Downloads
– Membership to Plus can be purchased through PlayStation Store on PS3 for either 90 days or a whole year (365 days)
– Local prices for membership can be found below, payment is a one off fee for either of the memberships and can be purchased with any of the current Store payment methods – Credit Card or PSN Cards
– If you sign up between the 29th June and 3rd Aug for the 1 year subscription then you will also receive a downloadable copy of the original LittleBigPlanet game for PS3
Games: As a member you can expect to get your hands on at least 4 games a month at no extra charge. Each month there will be a selection of 1x PSN game, 2x minis and 1x PS One classics. A list of the games available in month 1 and 2 can be found below. You will be able to download these games during the month they are available, until the new selection replaces these. Once downloaded, these games are yours to keep and play as long as you are a member of PlayStation Plus.
Full Game Trial: Each month we will be offering members the chance to download 2 full games, try them out for a period of time (1 hour unless otherwise stated). Then you will have the choice to either buy the game and carry on from where you left off, or delete the game from your hard drive. This is a unique way to trial the full game experience and means you don’t have to be restricted to certain levels/game modes when you test out a game.