During its E3 press conference, Sony announced the PlayStation VR headset will be available October 13. Fifty games are expected to be launched between the headset release date and the end of the year.
The headset will sell for $399 on its own, or for $499 as part of a bundle with the PlayStation 4 camera and PlayStation Move controller. Sony will also launch the PlayStation VR Aim Controller, which will offer 1:1 tracking for VR shooting. Sony has not confirmed whether the Aim Controller will launch alongside the PlayStation VR release.
Several new VR games were announced during the Sony press conference, including the Star Wars: Battlefront X-Wing VR Mission and Batman: Arkham VR. Square Enix has also added PlayStation VR capabilities to Final Fantasy XV.
“PlayStation’s heritage has been built around innovation and ground-breaking gaming experiences, and today’s reveals of new PS4 and PS VR content speaks to our continued commitment to this evolution of gaming,” Sony Interactive Entertainment’s Shawn Layden said.
In March, PlayStation Europe’s Jim Ryan said that “early pre-orders” for PlayStation VR have surpassed the company’s initial expectations.
“So that suggests demand, and therefore, day one might be quite significant,” he added.
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