Remember that game with Mario and portals that came out about a month ago? Well, it's getting an update! Yes, Mari0 will be getting online multiplayer support for up to six players. Six marios and twelve portals, yeah that's a cluster f#%@ alright. This game sounded awesome when it came out and now it’s become even more awesomer. Yeah I went there, being all grammatically incorrect. I need to go and download this game and hope to the FSM that it will let my USB NES controller that I just got in connect to it.
No release date has been set for this new addition to the game. However when it does come out get ready to piss off your friends, random strangers, and quite possibly family as massive hi-jinx are sure to ensue. In the immortal words of Dalton from Road House: "Be nice". ROAD HOUSE!
Mari0 is currently at version 1.6 and is available on Windows, Linux, and OSX.
Source: Joystiq