Rockstar Games has released the first ever multiplayer video for Max Payne 3, which showcases the game in action online.
Max Payne 3 will offer modes like Gang Wars, and Payne Killer, which sees the players working together to hunt for Max Payne. In addition, players will also have the ability to jump into Bullet Time.
When players jump into Bullet Time, time slows down. Only players in your line of sight will be affected by Bullet Time. Rockstar says that the "burst" of Bullet Time is just one of many special abilities.
Gang Wars mode is not unlike Enemy Territory's persistent multiplayer missions. The game features a series of warring gangs and factions involved in story-based scenarios. New branching storylines provide players with new objectives depending on which teams win.
Payne Killer mode is a variation of tag. It gives players the chance to fight Max together. Whoever kills Max takes on the role of Max.
Like the single player game, the multiplayer version of Max Payne 3 runs in full third person perspective.