Alright – so, as the launch of Future Soldier grows nearer, it’s normal to expect gameplay trailers and the like. I’m as excited as anyone for the launch of this awesome game, but the commentary on this is just absolutely annoying. It’s like a bunch of frat-guys banded together, got drunk, and said, “Hey… Let’s make a trailer for Ghost Recon.†It certainly doesn’t drive any sort of appeal towards the game – at least for me.
In any case, the whole premise of the trailer is to market a new feature: the ability to play through the entire single-player campaign with four of your friends. Unlike the maniacal laughter and obnoxious ravings of these guys, the new gameplay element actually does sound awesome. There’s no word yet as to how this will change the storyline or if it will even affect it at all, but watch this space for more information on the subject.
Also – Be ready to mute the video.