When it comes to a certain gaming universe, there are certain worlds/titles within it that have…let’s just say…”questionable level of legality.” No, not in the vile sense, though there are plenty of stories about those going around lately. Instead, we’re talking about how certain characters, IPs, and direct references to beloved genres are “allowed” in the game with seemingly no repercussions. Roblox Sonic Speed Simulator is one such title. It’s a game that features the beloved Sonic The Hedgehog and his other compatriots and has you racing to be the fastest thing around. The irony is that SEGA did allow the team at GameFam to make this title, which means this is “official” in its own way. Who knew?
Anyway, there are plenty of reasons to try out the title, including being able to be your favorite character from Sonic’s universe and seeing how fast they can go. If you’re up for that challenge and you need “a little boost,” we have codes for you that can help with your racing exploits.
For example, if you use “1billion” as a code, you’ll get a “You Pet.” Or, if you use “race2win,” you’ll get 100 race tickets to have fun with.
Still want more? Okay, if you use “25k,” you’ll get a Magnet Boost for 30 straight minutes! “Amazing35” also gives you that specific boost. If you prefer getting more rings, then you’ll want to type in “40kThankYou,” which will give you such a boost for 30 minutes.
Do you like Chao companions? Okay! “thankyouchao” will get you a Gratitude Chao, while “thumbsup” will get you a Bloxian Chao.
As you can see, these codes are perfect for those who want a “little bit of an edge” going into each race or want to have as much fun as possible while they play Roblox Sonic Speed Simulator.
No matter how you play, we hope you enjoy the codes.
As for Sonic himself, he’s in quite a great place right now. His recent live-action movies have done incredibly well, which likely brought many people to this specific gaming universe to see how much more they could interact with the blue blur.
As for his games, Sonic had a big title not too long ago that had a big impact on the franchise, and SEGA is hard at work on the next one in the line. That’s not even touching on mobile titles and other epic things being done for the series.