Remedy Entertainment is known for some big titles. They are the folks behind Alan Wake and Control. However, their next big game to come out into the marketplace will be their first multiplayer experience. We know the game is called FBC: Firebreak and it’s set within Control’s Oldest House. However, more importantly, the gameplay experience also caters to those of you with jobs and families.
It’s not easy playing games when you get older. New priorities come into play; maybe you have a more demanding job and a family to care for. Whatever the case might be for you, Remedy Entertainment hopes that their upcoming FBC: Firebreak will be the answer for gamers who want to enjoy something with friends but have a limited amount of time.
Kotaku recently had the chance to attend an event focusing on FBC: Firebreak, where they witnessed a gameplay mission and could ask developers some questions. Overall, according to Kotaku, the game is more akin to Left 4 Dead. It’s aimed to be something that players can pick up and enjoy at any time, so you don’t have to worry about any timed events or seasonal content that progresses the story.
That’s great news if you have to go weeks to months before you get a chance to jump into this game. There’s no need to grind and try reaching your friends before you can spend some time with this shooter. Likewise, it’s already confirmed that there is no real storyline to keep on track. Players won’t even see cutscenes here.
Instead, we know that the game takes place a few years after the events of Control, where the Hiss has still taken over. Players are part of an initiative that is a final attack to regain control of the Oldest House. That said, it seems like the premise here is contained in this game, so you shouldn’t feel pressured to go back to play Control. The same can be said about when Control 2 drops, as you don’t have to play FBC: Firebreak to understand the story if that doesn’t interest you.
Kotaku also learned that players will determine how long and difficult a job they’ll take on. With up to three players, these job settings are tweaked before beginning, and even then, it seems like there will be some additional tasks you can take on, adding a little more length or challenge to your base mission.
Unfortunately, we don’t know the details about post-launch content. However, we should learn more soon, as developers plan to release this FPS later this year. When the game does drop, it will be available for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S platforms.