The Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition was a great reveal when it was announced in 2020. Another great announcement was the game’s inclusion in the “New Yew New Age” event where it was slated to receive more DLC. Sadly, it appears all of that buildup has led to nothing.
As spotted by TechRaptor and shared by the Age of Empires III team over on their Steam page. The Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition DLC has been cancelled.
“Last year as part of the New Year New Age event we announced another DLC for Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition. After serious consideration, this DLC has been cancelled.”
A lesser patch was released at the end of last year but it was nothing approaching what fans expected. Sadly, it seems that the update from The Age of Empires Team was made in haste before any work on the update had even started. Perhaps the scope of the update with their available staff was not a viable proposition. The team have however stated that they will continue to maintain the online services of the game as well as provide any necessary customer support.
Fans appear suitably outraged at this announcement. Given that there are several features within the game that reportedly don’t work as they should. Time will tell if these issues are addressed. Although it seems as like the sun is setting on the Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition.
“Whilst we will not be moving forwards with this DLC content for Age III: DE, we will continue to maintain servers, rotate civs through the free trial version, and provide Customer Support for any issues you may encounter whilst playing.”
If you’d like to read the full update, click here. If you would like to find out more about the Age of Empires: Definitive Edition, click here.