Remasters are always tricky in the video game space. On the one hand, they are a way for certain properties to be viewed in a more “modern light,” and thus, they can be used to revitalize a franchise. On the other hand, when not enough time and effort are put into them, they can be viewed as nothing more than a “quick cash grab,” and sadly, we’ve had plenty of those over the years. In the case of Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, this was a title that was announced a bit randomly, and now its review scores point to it being solid but not great.
Over on Metacritic, the game received a 77 score, with 60 reviewers weighing in on it at the time of this writing. For the record, a 77 isn’t a bad score. Far from it. It’s just a few points away from 80, which many would agree is the mark of a “really good game.” When you look at the reviews themselves, you’ll see that many do praise the game, but more for what it already offered versus its “improvements.”
For example, just about every review praises the gameplay, noting that it’s still one of the best 2D platformers of the last 15 years. However, the catch is that the game has been out for 15 years and has been on now three different platforms. Sure, the “HD coating” is nice, but for those who have already played it before on either the Nintendo Wii or 3DS, you’re not getting anything truly new outside of the visual upgrade. For those who haven’t played it, they’ll likely enjoy the incredible platforming and overall experience. Those who have played it before will likely feel it’s “too expensive” just to replay it and want something more.
In fact, multiple reviewers pointed out the fact that “it needs something more” while also highlighting how there should just be a new title for Donkey Kong and the others in the Kong family. Most would not just agree with that statement but shout it out loud themselves. There really isn’t a true reason why we got Donkey Kong Country Returns HD instead of an all-new title, given how well the Wii U port sold on the Switch and the fact that there was a demand for a new DK title.
Regardless of what happens with this game’s sales, hopefully Nintendo sees the fan desire for something truly new and makes it happen on the Nintendo Switch 2.