Nightdive Studios has revealed their interest in reviving one particular classic shooter.

They shared this statement on Twitter:
“We love hearing about games people would like us to remaster including J. Scott Thurlow over at @GameRant who recently suggested we tackle Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. Do you agree? What other games would you like to see us revive? “
Nightdive Studios has been doing their work of reviving classic shooters from the 1990s through the 2000s for over 12 years now, cementing its own legacy in video game history. While they are best known for bringing back big names like the original Turok trilogy and System Shock, they had also been working on deep cuts like Strife and Bad Mojo for years as well.
Nightdive’s most recent release of John Carpenter’s The Thing Remastered was a success in more ways than financial and critical. As GameRant argues in their article, the QOL improvements and other changes that Nightdive made have led to a better realized version of what the original developer’s vision of the game would be.
And so, GameRant’s Thurlow argues, Nightdive could do the same thing for Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. But at this point, you may be asking, what is that game?
Released in 2005 on Xbox and the following year on Windows, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth is an adventure shooter game that may be as close to an accurate video game adaptation of Lovecraft’s novels as is possible. You play a private detective trying to get to the bottom of mysteries surrounding a xenophobic coastal town called Innsmouth, only to find out that the answers you were looking for were closer at home than you initially thought.
We know Nightdive will do a proper job of making technical updates and upgrades to Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. But is it expecting too much of the studio to assume that they can make it a better game? Do we think Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth needs fixing in that way, or is it possible that this game has to stay dated in certain ways to retain what fans found interesting in it?
But a Nightdive revival will certainly do wonders for this horror classic, as the studio’s own brand is now working to elevate games that fans may have forgotten they actually enjoyed, such as P.O.ed: Definitive Edition, or they didn’t even know exist, such as the 3DO original title Killing Time: Resurrected.
On a personal level, we would love to see if they now have the leverage, post Atari acquisition, to make that planned No One Lives Forever revival push through. Any maybe they can get something done when it comes to Embracer’s botched TimeSplitters revival? But we’re sure Nightdive will nail whatever they choose to do next and we’re looking forward to their future announcements.