The Apple Vision Pro has been a surprising device to observe. It launched amid much acclaim. However, a prohibitively high price and limited utility have seemingly kneecapped the device. One massive missed opportunity is gaming, a sector that has been largely overlooked by Apple. Now it appears as though Apple and Sony are teaming up to support third-party controllers for the Apple Vision Pro.
Zhukov-74 shared to Reddit an article from Bloomberg suggesting that Apple and Sony are working on support for Sony’s VR2 controller. It’s likely that a move like this would be made to try and attract more buyers. As per Bloomberg, it’s rumoured that Apple has sold less than half a million units since the Vision Pro’s release in February. Several of those customers have returned it and others just aren’t really using the device as per Apple’s own metrics.
Apple is seemingly aware of the limitations of the Vision Pro. They are reportedly working on third-party controller support for their ailing creation. Despite limited opportunities for gaming on the device, it’s unlikely that developers will rush to support the Vision Pro without proper controller support. The support for the PlayStation VR2 hand controllers is rumoured to be around the corner. So for those early adopters who shelled out $3500, stay tuned.
It’s always worth mentioning that nothing has been officially confirmed yet and there have been rumours that Apple was dramatically scaling back production of the Vision Pro after its limited demand. Naturally, it only makes sense to add support for controllers and increase the device’s utility. So hopefully, this rumour is not without basis.
If you’d like to read more on the Apple Vision Pro’s limited demand then click here.