An iconic actor and incredible martial artist, Jean-Claude Van Damme, has been confirmed to be stepping into the virtual world of Hitman. It’s been unveiled on the official Hitman YouTube channel that players will be dealing with a new celebrity elusive target, so prepare for a real challenge on your hands. Here’s what we know so far regarding our next target, Max Valliant.
Jean-Claude Van Damme’s character in Hitman: World of Assassination is Max Valliant. It seems Max was once the go-to agent for getting things done. However, the agency found that he was playing both sides, so to avoid secrets leaking out, they eliminated him. Only that’s what they believed happened. Years later, Max has shown up again and demanded a meeting.
Players will follow Agent 47 as they attempt to learn more about Max’s plans and eliminate him once and for all. However, it will be an uphill battle as you’re dealing with a real pro who is just as ruthless and unforgiving. Can you manage to find your target and take them down? You’ll have the chance to do so as the new elusive target will be added to the game on December 12, 2024, and available until January 12, 2025.
IO Interactive is keeping up support with this game, but we’re anticipating to hear more about their next project in 2025. We know they are working on a new James Bond game, which is only known now as Project 007. Developers have been keeping things a bit hush-hush for now, but again; we’re hopeful IO Interactive will finally shed a little more light on this title as we make our way into the upcoming year. For now, you can view Jean-Claude Van Damme’s character in action in the new elusive target trailer embedded down below.