Valve is an iconic name in the video game industry. From the games they develop, Steam, to even products like the Steam Deck, they have quite a mass following. However, for some fans, it’s been too long to see the return of its most cherished video game franchise. We’ve been waiting endlessly for Half-Life 2 Episode 3. The game has eluded us for quite some time now. However, a team of fans has come together and delivered an unofficial conclusion.
A wait to see how the end of Half-Life 2 will come about is nearing. While it might not be official, quite a few fans are interested in diving into Project Borealis. After a former writer for Valve, Marc Laidlaw, released a synopsis for what most believed to be Half-Life 2 Episode 3, a group of developers formed to deliver a full video game experience based on the information now known to the public. Dubbing themselves as Icebreaker Industries, the group had slowly been chipping away at this game project through Unreal Engine 5.
Now, they are ready to give fans a taste of what’s to come with a demo. The free demo will offer a standalone experience of the game, which you can get through Steam. Of course, you are required to own a copy of Half-Life 2 to play it. Still, this prologue will throw players right back into the role of Gordon Freeman and open up as to what we can expect when the full game release of Project Borealis lands in the marketplace.
The developers behind the project hope you will notice the work put into faithfully replicating the gameplay mechanics and movement system from Half-Life 2. Fortunately, it’s a free demo, so you can dive into the game and experience some new Half-Life content, albeit not officially from the folks at Valve. In the meantime, you can view the final trailer for the game in the video we have embedded below.