It’s rather interesting the buzz that Marvel Rivals has created for itself ever since it was announced. Unlike a certain other “team shooter” title that is currently bombing hard on PS5 and PC, this one seems to have the potential to be successful. It’s not hard to describe what the game is, either; it’s a 5v5 team vs team title that features the various heroes and villains of the Marvel multiverse. We emphasize “Multiverse” here because some of the looks of the characters aren’t from the main 616 universe, including the one who has brought the heroes and villains together: Galacta.
Not unlike other games in this genre, the team behind Marvel Rivals has been slowly showing off the various characters that will be in the game right at launch, including the most recent reveals of Black Panther, Winter Soldier, and Captain America. However, many might feel that the game’s success will be rooted not in the available characters but in what platforms you can get it on. To that end, during a talk with Pocket Tactics, game director Thaddeus Sasser noted that there aren’t any “discussions” on bringing the game to either Nintendo Switch or mobile devices.
While some might be sad at that announcement, others won’t be shocked about it for various reasons. The first reason is that the Nintendo Switch is a great system with a lot of games, but the “team shooters” aren’t exactly where it specializes in. Nintendo’s history with internet connections isn’t the greatest, and you’d need a solid one to play something with so many players. Even its own 1st party franchises sometimes struggle to handle the strain the internet endures during some of its multiplayer matches.
As for the mobile side of things, that’s unsurprising because there have only been a few team shooters that have successfully been made for mobile systems, with a certain one from Respawn Entertainment being the gold standard. Even then, that one was purposefully made for mobile devices and then brought to other systems; it’s clear that the team behind this title wants everyone to experience it on the biggest screen possible so that they can enjoy all the Marvel madness.
Speaking of which, while it’s good to know that all the heroes will be available at launch without payments or needing to go through strenuous acts to unlock them, many are curious about how big the roster will get both at launch and beyond. Guess we’ll have to wait to get that answer.