Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door has been out for a few days now, and it’s been doing incredibly well based on key insider reports and snapshots of the best-sellers on the Nintendo eShop. However, you might feel the urge to take the fun to the next level or just take it outdoors. Thankfully, Nintendo is here to help you. You might recall that there was a special pre-order bonus to get a unique piece of stylized paper that you could use to make a paper airplane like the one that Mario becomes in the game. Well, The Big N decided to make that available to everyone, with a bit of a twist!
That twist is that not only can you download the template for the special piece of paper below, but there’s a video featuring the “Paper Airplane Guy” that shows you how to make the perfect paper airplane with it!
Before you laugh, this guy really is a professional, and he teamed up with Nintendo to do this video, which includes the master paper folder promoting the game before showing you how to make the airplane in question. It’s honestly an in-depth tutorial, so if you’ve ever wanted to make the perfect paper airplane, this is the video to watch:
In Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door, Mario gets “cursed” by beings trapped with treasure chests. They use their powers to allow Mario to shapeshift into various things like a paper airplane, a paper boat, a roll of paper, or even just shift his direction so that he’s viewed from the “other side” and thus can slip in between things like bars.
Yes, it’s not really a “curse,” as it helps the character and players out of jams, but the treasure chest demons seem to think it’s the “evilest thing ever,” so let’s not ruin their fun. Sure, this might seem like a silly way to promote the beloved RPG, but you have to admit, it does look kind of fun! Plus, the RPG itself is incredibly silly! It features wacky storylines with all sorts of characters that are beyond the usual scope of Mario’s world and it’s all delivered with a silly yet compelling tone.
If Nintendo was truly clever, they wouldn’t just stop with making paper airplanes! They should see if they can make a paper boat or some of Mario’s other transformations! Although some of them would be incredibly easy to do. Sometimes, it’s the thought that counts.