Nate the Hate has made a key clarification on rumors he shared a few days ago, after seeing the speculation go wild online.

As we reported two days ago, Nate The Hate chimed in on a rumor from fan podcast XboxEra, about Xbox games going multiplatform. He confirmed that Starfield would be going to the PlayStation 5, but also clarified that there is no set release date for it yet. The implication with the latter fact is that there is a possibility they may change their mind.
On Twitter, Nate the Hate made this tweet:
“I do want to emphasize that though I heard similar, one should still treat this as rumor.
As noted above, I didn’t want to report on it until a release window was finalized — meaning plans remain open to change.
MS will bring select games multiplat. That I have confidence in.”
Responding to a fan, he elaborated further on his Starfield rumor:
“I will admit phrasing was poor on the original tweet.
I think discussions were had about taking it multiplat — hence the reports/rumor. Given the very early reporting & public response, such conversations may have been revisited.
I have no lead to suggest one way or the other.”
Nate The Hate’s clarifications seem to be a response to the fans who are themselves getting riled up by the rumor, after it became news when Phil Spencer himself corroborated that Microsoft would be holding a business update event to explain their plans for Xbox’s future.
All of this has not been taken to kindly by Microsoft fans, who have been splitting up over the news and speculation. But maybe there’s one other thing Nate the Hate has mentioned that would be of interest to them and the rest of us.
In Nate the Hate’s words:
“I’ve never heard Hellblade 2 mentioned as a multiplat candidate.”
While Starfield going to the PlayStation 5 seemed to be a really serious mistake, it is true that none of those rumors didn’t really state that all Xbox games would start getting published to the platform as well.
The big fear, that Xbox would become a third party publisher, is somewhat misguided. Xbox is already a major third party publisher, not only because of the multiplatform games they have under Bethesda and Activision Blizzard King, but because of the multiplatform games they published on their own.
There could be a serious market shift based on Xbox’s new strategy, but at least it seems certain that the platform will still have its exclusives. The extent to which the industry could shift depends entirely on which games Microsoft will decide to make multiplatform, and which ones they are keeping for themselves. For all we know, this could last all of this generation to, put them in a position where they money they made from Sony fans will make Xbox a more serious opponent to Sony in the next generation.