Crossovers, in both the big and small ways, are incredibly popular in the video game space. Why? Because they help bring brands together and highlight both while potentially lifting both up in the process. But the latest crossover is one that will “turn heads” in a possibly different way. Today, Bungie revealed on Twitter that they’re doing a special Destiny 2 costume pack featuring designs inspired by Mass Effect. Specifically, they’re doing an “Alliance Requisition Bundle” featuring character outfits based on Commander Shephard, Garrus Vakarian, and Liara T’Soni. Even better news: The bundle will be free for players when it arrives next month.
A special ship will also be inspired by the Normandy and other items tied to the Bioware series. You can see the art with the outfits below.
So far, the response to this has been positive, which means that Bungie did the right thing by not only making this crossover, but by making it free for people to partake in. However, as others are likely noting, there’s a ton of irony going on with this crossover.
How so? Well, neither companies nor franchises are exactly in the best place right now. Bungie has had to delay the final content for Destiny 2, and fans haven’t been happy with the content they’ve gotten recently, not to mention the lost content that they can’t play anymore, especially if they’re new players. Plus, Bungie had to lay off many people, including those helping with community support!
On the flip side, Bioware not only had its own layoffs, but the Mass Effect franchise is far from the state it was in during the original trilogy. The same could be said for Bioware as a whole. Their fourth entry was a disaster in many ways, and not just because of the buggy launch, and then when you look at the long teases and delays towards getting any information about a fifth entry, you have to wonder if anything is going to come out from this franchise anytime soon.
So, the fact that these two “hurting companies” are trying to bring their “struggling franchises” together is a bit ironic. Then again, if it boosts the player count for Bungie’s title, that would be considered a win. Only time will tell if that’s able to happen, though.
What also remains to be seen is if there are more free crossovers like this coming down the pipeline on the road to the final DLC.