G2A has removed the listings that were seeking preorders for the game and had provided a statement on the matter.
Our marketplace platform is intended to offer sellers and buyers opportunities to connect, and our main priority is the positive experience of all our users. As the PC version of Grand Theft Auto VI has not officially been announced, we have removed the pre-emptive sale of this key from our platform.
G2A Representative Statement
Original Story…
Grand Theft Auto VI has been one of the most anticipated games in years. After Grand Theft Auto V launched in 2013, fans have been waiting to see where Rockstar Games would take them next. Of course, Grand Theft Auto V was a massive hit and that allowed support to continue on for a decade now with this game. But that doesn’t mean we’re staying in Los Santos for good. It took quite a while, but early this month, we got the reveal of the next mainline installment for the franchise. Unfortunately, this anticipated game is now ammo for predators to steal your precious data and money.
Scammers are always looking for something new to entice prey to open up their wallets. Today, thanks to Tech4Gamers, we’re finding out that several scams are going around based on Grand Theft Auto VI. The anticipated game was just unveiled, but it won’t hit the marketplace soon. Instead, this initial announcement trailer has unveiled that the game won’t be landing in the marketplace until at some point in 2025. With that said, there’s also the confirmation that when this game does launch into the marketplace, it’s only coming out for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S platform.
PC players will have to wait a while longer before the platform has a readily available copy of the game. That’s where scammers are hitting the web right now. Scams are going out trying to entice players to download an alpha test for Grand Theft Auto VI. It’s important to note that there is no alpha test going on right now, and these downloads are malicious. What’s worse is that these scams for the alpha test are even popping up on Google’s YouTube platform.
Likewise, there are scams on online retailers like G2A for a preorder key. What’s worse is that these preorder keys are for PCs and are asking for over $200. Again, there is no confirmation of a PC release at launch. Be cautious of these scams as, again, these are predators seeking out prey to steal their hard-earned money and precious data. For now, you can check out the official announcement trailer for Grand Theft Auto VI below. Additionally, you can check out the reaction to this trailer from a former Rockstar Games developer right here. Hopefully, we get some more marketing materials in 2024 to help showcase a little more about what we can expect with this new installment.