Do you like hearing that movie directors are going to video game properties for inspiration? Does it make you want to see what references to Advent Children are in The Marvels? Let us know below!
Typically, video games only serve as “inspiration” for Hollywood regarding them making adaptations of certain properties, not unlike a certain “legend” that will apparently get the live-action treatment soon. But sometimes, when you have the right people involved in a project, they’ll look at what video game properties have done and see how they can interpret them for the big screen. This week marks the return of the Marvel Cinematic Universe via The Marvels, and the film’s director, Nia DaCosta, stated in an interview that Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children was a huge inspiration for the film, among other video games she adores.
That might sound odd given the “divisive” nature of the film amongst some fans, but she told IGN that she loved the movie and was inspired by its action sequences:
“It’s just an amazing, amazing movie, and has really great fight scenes and has a really great ending sequence with the main character being thrown into the sky by all the other characters.
Like, think about The Last of Us cutscenes, or Horizon Zero Dawn cutscenes, but it’s a very different style. So, for me, it was from the best kinds of games, the best sort of stories that you get, that sort of inspires me to play and I think inspires people to watch movies like this.”
It’s really cool to hear that a big-time movie director looked to video games for inspiration for action scenes and beyond. That’s something that people forget about video games. The best titles have a lot of love and care put into each shot, even if it’s just people standing around, and that can deliver some really beautiful moments if crafted carefully, and the games she listed were indeed crafted carefully.
The legacy of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is felt to this day regardless of whether you’ve seen the film or not. The movie was a kind of “epilogue” to the main campaign’s story where Sephiroth returned to life, and Cloud Strife had to fight him once again. In that movie, we saw some iconic moments, including Cloud using the Omnislash Version 6 to take down the One-Winged Angel for good. Plus, some of the characters that were in the movie appear to have been in the first title of the remake saga.
Tetsuya Nomura himself confirmed that the movie would tie into the remake games once again before the trilogy ends.
And now, you can see how it inspired an MCU film!