The next big Nintendo Switch game is only about ten days away from release. Super Mario Bros Wonder aims to “fill a void” that gamers have wondered about for a while. Sure, there are a couple of games with Mario of the 2D platforming nature, but they’re either remasters or ones where you build the levels yourself. The upcoming title seeks to capture some things from the “glory days” of the 2D platforming style, and all indications are that it will do just that upon its release. Sure enough, a new wave of previews has come out, and as one insider noted, they all sing the game’s praises.
The two previews cited by the insider praised Super Mario Bros Wonder for its design and creativity. They noted that it is full of innovation and “big ideas,” and it feels like a callback not only to the great 2D titles of the SNES era that helped catapult the franchise further but also to some of the 3D titles of past generations that showed the “boundless wonder” that Nintendo can present.
One particular preview stated that the levels won’t simply play out in “one direction,” as you would expect. The levels get released in batches, which were shown in a previous trailer, and thus, you can take them on in the order you desire. Then, once you get into the levels, you can find several paths, secrets, and exists, and even levels within levels!
The badges were another pleasant surprise to some of the previewers. They praised how they weren’t simply “cheat codes” but legitimate ways for players to get through the levels and have a variety of them to help them get through the courses at their leisure. Plus, since you can only equip one at a time, it won’t be a situation where you’ll be an “unstoppable force” because you have all of these abilities. You’ll need to choose which is the best for you before entering the level.
The previewers also praised the visual style of the game. They noted that the graphics really pop and that the levels are “full of personality.” Even the enemies you face will have various animations that will convey their “feelings” as you’re dealing with them in the level.
This all indicates that Mario’s next title will be one of the best he’s ever been a part of. Nintendo clearly put everything they have into the title, and we’ll see just how great it is on the 20th.