The trailer above, animated by Joel Furtado, shows the sequel to the Gamecube exclusive Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, subtitled The Lost Oracle. There's a twist: this game doesn't exist. With excellent sound design, faithful recreation of series elements and an incredible attention to detail, many fans would be forgiven for thinking this was more than just a design demo.
Of course, Windwaker has already had a couple of sequels – DS games Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks – but the change in style as the game jumped over the DS disappointed some fans of the original. I imagine Mr Furtado might have been one of those people that wanted to see the series continue in a different direction.
Nintendo have announced they're working on an original Legend of Zelda title for the 3DS, but it won't be a continuation of the Windwaker series. Meanwhile, people are going absolutely mad for this trailer.